// yukihiro1412 // On-Thursday, November 3, 2011

This is my first post in my yukihiro1412 blog. I'll be posting different places I go to, my different hobbies, and possibly some other random things as I go along. My past blogs have been updates about my life, but this will just be centered around the different things I do, not just what I'm up to. I think that makes sense?

So I found out that a coworker (one of the directors in my department) puts on a whole Halloween extravaganza with his neighbors. On the internet, you can Google "Halloween on Alegria", "Halloween in Sierra Madre" or "Parker's pumpkins", and you'll find information about this event. On one block of Alegria Ave in Sierra Madre, most of the houses go all out decorating.

One of Parker's pumpkins

This was the first time I ever heard of the event even though I've lived about 30 minutes away my whole life. It sounded pretty promising from what everyone at my work was saying, so I decided to check it out. I dragged my girlfriend and her sister along.

There were a lot of people walking around near Alegria Ave when we got there. I won't talk too much about the decorations since I'll let my pictures do the talking. I would definitely recommend checking it out if you haven't gone before. It's more for kids, but all ages will definitely be impressed by the houses.

I took some pictures, mostly of the Parker's since I know Doug but also some others. I wasn't able to post all of them since some were blurry beyond recognition, but here are the decent ones. All the pictures in this post were taken with my girlfriend's Panasonic GF1 w/ 20mm Panasonic pancake lens.

The front of the Parker's house.

Look at all those pumpkins! They grow all of their pumpkins too.


This pumpkin-spider was HUGE. It had to be at least 15-20 feet in diameter. 
The picture came out pretty blurry, but I really wanted to show this.

Dry ice pumpkin fountain.

I spy a Mr Peanut pumpkin in the back.

om nom nom

Awesome dragon pumpkin

Graveyard theme on a front lawn

The walking dead

I stole some guy's flash...
Happy Halloween!

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