Archive for 2012

Random pictures from my Japan trip - April 2012

//Saturday, July 21, 2012
//Posted by yukihiro1412

I wanted to post some pictures from my Japan trip.  So here's a small portion of them...  There's about 40 pictures here.  I have a lot more, but I don't want to post too many at once.

Personal opinion about the anime fansub controversy

//Saturday, July 14, 2012
//Posted by yukihiro1412

I recently stumbled upon a thread on Crunchyroll that discussed the controversy behind anime fansubs.  The OP is against uploading any anime illegally.  I understand completely.  No companies are directly benefiting from fansubs.  They get no money from it.  Now this thread starts spiraling towards pro-fansub vs. anti-fansub.  Instead of simply posting in that thread, I figured I would post here in my blog about my opinion on this matter.  (Especially since the OP is so upset that he refuses to respond to more people.)

Japan Swag

//Wednesday, May 9, 2012
//Posted by yukihiro1412

I went to Japan with my girlfriend at the end of March through mid-April.  Here are some of the goodies that I brought back from Japan.  I'll probably have another post with generic Japan pictures too.
I actually bought a little more than I'm showing in these pictures, but this is most of it.

Tag :, Tag :, Tag :, Tag :, Tag :

Junpei Cosplay (9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors)

//Thursday, March 22, 2012
//Posted by yukihiro1412

One of my other hobbies is cosplaying.  I really only cosplay to conventions and on Halloween though.  You can actually check out my profile for all my past costumes. (

I guess I started cosplaying back during Halloween of 2004.  Naruto's popularity was in its infancy and I really liked Sasuke at the time.  So guess what my first cosplay was?  Sasuke, of course.  With the help of my mom, I made my first (fairly crappy, but still recognizable) cosplay.  There's a picture of it on my profile.

I've done several costumes since then for various cons like Anime Expo, Fanime, PMX, Anime LA, and MikomoCon.

Right now I've been working on my Junpei cosplay.  It's not for an specific con, but since I decided to cut my hair shorter, I wanted to finish the cosplay before I cut it.  Junpei has longish brown hair.  I didn't have to make much for this cosplay, only the puffy vest that he wears.

Elucia de Lute Ima - Nendoroid

//Saturday, February 4, 2012
//Posted by yukihiro1412
I just got my Elsie Nendoroid in the mail yesterday!  This is now my 4th Nendoroid.  My first three were Akiyama Mio, Makise Kurisu, and Saber.

My golf bag

//Tuesday, January 10, 2012
//Posted by yukihiro1412
It's been over 2 months since I posted... I've just been neglecting taking pictures since all I have is my crappy Droid 2 for photos.  I had these pictures of my golf clubs saved up, so I might as well post them.

During the end of 2010/beginning of 2011, I decided it was finally time to update my clubs.  There was nothing wrong with my old set, but I wanted try something new.  Over the course of a few months, I finished putting my bag together.

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