Archive for July 2012

Random pictures from my Japan trip - April 2012

//Saturday, July 21, 2012
//Posted by yukihiro1412

I wanted to post some pictures from my Japan trip.  So here's a small portion of them...  There's about 40 pictures here.  I have a lot more, but I don't want to post too many at once.

Personal opinion about the anime fansub controversy

//Saturday, July 14, 2012
//Posted by yukihiro1412

I recently stumbled upon a thread on Crunchyroll that discussed the controversy behind anime fansubs.  The OP is against uploading any anime illegally.  I understand completely.  No companies are directly benefiting from fansubs.  They get no money from it.  Now this thread starts spiraling towards pro-fansub vs. anti-fansub.  Instead of simply posting in that thread, I figured I would post here in my blog about my opinion on this matter.  (Especially since the OP is so upset that he refuses to respond to more people.)

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